New Course Model Pilot = A Summer Expedition + An Intensive Fall Trimester

New for 2019-2020 school year, the Bay Area BlendEd Consortium is excited to pilot a new course model that kicks off with a summer experiential wilderness outing to Montana, followed by an intensive 12-week fall trimester with local area field experiences. The whole course runs from July 14 to October 12, is UC approved, and counts for full elective course credit.

The Wilderness Studies course aims to immerse students in two landscapes; the Great Burn Proposed Wilderness just west of Missoula, Montana and Point Reyes National Seashore, just north of San Francisco, California. Students will explore different viewpoints around human-land relationships and experience these protected and unprotected landscapes first hand.

This is truly a unique opportunity for adventurous, pioneering students to experience learning beyond the traditional classroom/schedule, while immersing in wild landscapes and helping to trail-blaze a new course model.

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